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India Fingerprinting, Iris Scanning Over One Billion People

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: The Indian government is ramping up efforts to fingerprint and iris scan the entirety of its 1.2 billion citizens in an ambitious scheme to issue national ID cards with biometric details. The plan has so far already enrolled 110 million people and issued 60 million numbers, with the aim of enrolling 200 million by this March and 600 million by 2014. Find out about the history and consequences of biometric ID this week on GRTV - Behind the Headlines.

16 thoughts on “India Fingerprinting, Iris Scanning Over One Billion People

  1. All people who cooperate on this scam is either delusional or plain crazy. DEATH itself would be a greater freedom because you are no more bounded to the entrenched powers behind the scenes. Sleep sleep sleep is all people want and do…. they don't want a better world or change the shape we're heading to. But we can do the best for ourselves!

  2. @morganhill69

    I have to nothing to worry about since my footprints, fingerprints, dickprints, assprints, hairprints and dna prints has been collected before I was dumped inside the USA…

    life is temporary and weather you like it or not THE NEXT GENERATION will be adapted to the system the OLD generation will have to comply with the NEW GENERATION….more the population more the trouble easier to control :D…

  3. @nekopheliac For STNs, you possibly mean to include SSNs ; perhaps?
    I don't personally see anything wrong with having SSNs, but it shouldn't involve being slaves. We're subjected to extreme criminality by western govts, with Washington leading the pack, definitely being the worst and, therefore, in a key position to be able to bring an end to all of this economic, political, military and police (state) criminality, nationally as well as internationally. Many others would follow.

  4. @jinkywantsyou The real reason is for none of the reasons that you mentioned and it's odd that you even thought of those, anyway.
    The real reason is that it's all hellbent political bs, lies, propaganda to deceive us through trying to instill us with a false sense of needing more security measures, et cetera, ALL FOR-RACKET/PROFIT bs. India has long had a corrupt govt and it's been involved, say, with western business for a long time, as well. It's all racket bs; and extreme.

  5. @morganhill69 Attempts may be made by the federal and some state govts, and the ruling elites they work for and with; BUT, there'll surely be very strong opposition from many members of the general population, citizens and permanent or legal residents who aren't yet officially full citizens. There'll surely be strong backlash from the general population.

  6. @prayfortruejustice "This is sick stuff", you say?
    Definitely! It's sick and definitely full of hypocrisy, hegemony, attempts to frigthen us all into becoming extremely or totally submissive to the criminal ruling elites, who like to play all sorts of little games with us; little games of hellish sort, that is.
    The ruling elites must be worried, for they evidently think we're all a danger to their criminal schemes or plans.

  7. Why would people want to illegally immigrate to India? I'm pretty sure it's not the "top of the countries where I want to live" list for most people? I can't see it being that much of an issue that the India has to spend millions of $ on compulsory ID schemes. What's the real reason?

  8. i got pulled over by a nys trooper for an unsafe lane change and it was raining so he made me get into his car while he wrote me a ticket,he asked me if i was drinking and i answered no,he told me to lean forward i thought he was gonna give me a breathalyzer so i leaned forward because i woulda been more than happy to blow since i wasnt drinking,when i leaned up he took a small black box and held it to my eye and took a picture of my iris.what a muther fuckin scumbag 4 a ticket.CONTINUED —-}

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