When you truly believe that you are the best notary public loan signing agent where you live. Marketing becomes enjoyable!! Because you are no longer selling anything! You are sharing how you can bring value to a mortgage professional! If you truly know how much value you can bring to a mortgage professional, it’s rude if you don’t tell them that you are a notary public loan signing agent and only keep that yourself!! Start telling them how great you are and go get the business you deserve!! If you’re done being rude and are going to tell every mortgage professional that you are ready to get to work, comment with a 💪🏼 below!! #loansigningsystem #notarypublic #signingagent Loan Signing System is the #1 rated online loan signing agent training course because it's the most complete course that teaches you how to do a perfect signing and the most advanced techniques and strategies to get loan signings. Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to the industry, we have a course for you. Watch my video reviews and testimonials. All of my courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee! Learn how to make $75 to $200 per hour long appointment working for yourself on your own schedule using the Loan Signing System Training Course. Become a loan signing agent and use your notary public commission to make extra money. The Loan Signing System will teach you how to become a successful loan signing agent, even if you have no experience at all. It's the only course that teaches you how to get the highest paying loan signings directly from escrow with training videos from escrow officers, loan officers, and real estate agents! Get started today. Go to to learn more! #notary #loansigningagent #notarysigningagent #mobilenotary #notarylife #notaryservices #entrepreneur #money #realestate #business #work #mindset #motivationalquotes #notarysigningagent #businesscoach #businessmentoring #entrepreneurlife #hustle #sidehustle #sixfigures #entrepreneur #mindsetcoaching #businesscoaching #successmindset #marketinghacks #marketing #realestatetips
Thank you
Im using this knowledge for my other biz!! Thank you !!!
40 dollars bought be 30 desert succulents and 25 dollars bought me 1000 business cards, drive around all day giving them to the receptionist's at loan and escrow companies. They liked the little plants Lol.
Let's gooo!! This is a Marketing Friday for me and I'm making beautiful connections!!!
For your course content, the hidden parts, how updated or when did you last go through your course to bring it up to date. Most of the informative videos on youtube are from 2 to 5 years ago.
I got my certification from NNA and they haven't updated their stuff since 2016.
Watching other YouTube videos that are new are way different and different forms.
I want to do your course but don't want outdated materials….. please help.