#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: In tonight's video, we discuss the "Candidate guide" inside the Denver Accord. This has every Gun Control nightmare policy that the Left craves, including confiscation, fingerprinting for ammo, registration, red flag laws, etc... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
Democrats love attacking the Bill of Rights.
I believe they already know what guns l have.fill out the paper every time ibuy anew gun.
It's time to turn this around …. permits for any and every thing leftist ..parade, TV shows,etc…make this people loose their rights see how long that lasts…
Keep up the great work!
Soros & Bloomberg's money strikes again.
Biden is as Biden does
Create a voter register and fingerprint all voter? This is just one item from the list on ultimate gun control (Denver Accord).
Any kind of gun control is unconstitutional and should not be enforced or followed by any true American citizen.
Not finding any Denver Project. I find Denver Inclusivity, and some other things. And a bad one that wants to abolish police. But nothing about gun control
The funny thing is, when gun controllers go shooting for the first time, they always love it!
Ballistic fingerprinting – A ballistic fingerprint is the unique pattern of markings left by a specific firearm on ammunition it has discharged…. You know what they say about assumptions…
I thought biden's campaign gun control proposals were absurdly radical, but this "Denver Accord" that the dems seem to be following in their scattered gun control efforts is positively dystopian. Americans have been sending clear signals with their dollars through 2 years of record-breaking gun purchases by new gunowners that top-down gun control is a losing strategy, yet those in power seem insistent on doubling down on radical and unpopular policies. This is a blueprint for how to lose the house&senate in '22; elected dems need to pump their brakes and read the writing on the wall. "May issue" states are soon to be a thing of the past. Any legislator following this rubric is a would-be tyrant, full stop.
The 2A community will fight these measures tooth and nail, in court and at the ballot box. The Constitution and the supreme court are on our side, and these policies are clearly about heightened government control rather than saving lives. I pray that saner and freer minds prevail and this "accord" goes the way of the dodo. As ben franklin adeptly put it, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Thank you for digging this up Braden, and hope your nose skin issue gets resolved smoothly and painlessly.
Im a Denver native and so no no no to the accord.
As long as government restrictions don't apply to themselves, they don't apply to me.
Who are the candidates that support this? Is there a list of those that believe this and are seeking election so they can be called out?
These treasonous bastards are done when we take the house and senate next year and our reps have to make laws making it illegal with the threat of death to even submit any kind of anti gun bill and put this shit to bed! These things are so pitiful and disgust me and everyone i know!
Gun free zones = easy targets for criminals!
If it was really about safety they would do something about all the idiot drivers on the road!! But it's about control over the people!!
Any and all gun control laws are unconstitutional. The 2nd amendment states SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED !!!!!!!!! never register anything, shall not comply.
You cannot legislate criminals in to compliance, you can legislate law abiding citizens in to criminals.
So, is there some way to combat this? Write to our reps? Call our senators? What do we do besides just sit here and panic?
Ballistic fingerprinting database>>>
Every gun sold will have images of the fired bullets, placed into a Ballistic fingerprint database
Thank you Sir for defining Denver Accords
the inherent problem is that We will never get In Front of this because legislators and politicians are All Elitists. Fact in case…..Former VP Joe Biden……Literally, National Voter Fraud and he's now POTUS. I pray that I'm wrong, however Next Election cycle/cycles will be no different simply because they've already gotten away with it. Frankly in 2024 if "you're" not on board with this "accord" "you're" not getting elected….
"In order to control the population, you must disarm them first" – Adolph Hitler 1935
Can we figure out someway to charge these Congresscritters since vowing to dismantle a paper OG the Inalienable (meaning changing or attempt to remove) Bill of Rights…and make it a Felony…meaning no benefits of any kind…
If we know that this is their plan why can't we make a plan to stop their plan ahead of schedule
Distributed legislation for eventual Federal success.
Important to note, it is a lot easier to pass a law in one state if already a law in other states. This is probably why they are changing 1 law at a time in different states. All they need us to pass each or as many as they can in different states. Then they will start adding the laws to each state to “eventually’ have them all passed in each each state, as many states they can.
Start referring to these a–holes as anti gun mafia or anti gun cartels.
This is what started the revolutionary war (the Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming) when the British were marching through Concord and Lexington to "seize the arms from the people of the original 13 British Colonies"
Enough representative and senators live in pro A2 areas that if they vote for this they can kiss their political career goodby.
New Mexico has morons running the state. Explains why they are the worst for K-12 education, highest child poverty rate, one of the worst un-emploment rates, one of the worst for child abuse, one of the higher drug abuse and OD rates, etc.
So much to be proud of Democrats.
Since New Mexico has a safe storage law when is Alec going to be arrested for unsafe storage?
Alec has killed more people with a gun than 99.9999999999999% of responsible gun owners.
If the Anti-gunners want to strip away our right to bear arms, then EACH Anti-gunner MUST provide to the rest of us the contact information (cell phone number/text) of 3 individuals who WILL be able to respond to our needs in 90 seconds or less at the expense of the Anti-gunner, 24/7 regardless of where the rest of us may be! Also, the Anti-gunners MUST live in non-gated communities and allow Illegals to live next door to them!!
Terrorist Negotiating Biden , Nazi Trump , Pelosi , Harris , With the
majority of Americans always allowing sick monsters in Office along with
Congress things will only get worse..
Those who want to mess with the second amendment need to be removed now ….
Confiscate oh you mean the challange seeing what their insides look like when they show up to my door asking for my firearms. I will not comply.
Bray. We have to keep enphasizing the denver accord and keep relating back to it to keep everything fresh in OUR MINDS. GOD BLESS YOU.
They say they dont agree with authoritarian governments . BUT thats exactly what they want the United States to be.
I can no longer tolerate this communist BS.
The next politician , cop, or public servant on any level tells me I have to provide prints , ID etc for guns , ammo , trades, will find his or her commie ass on a pike or will win the golden bullet award.
I've had enough .
I'm done with this BS.
I can't wait for old dead eye killer baldwin get's all of his guns removed, finger printed and the jail cell door slams on his soon to be well used but