TheNotaryBusinessSchool.com Our phenomenal Masters Program will teach you the art of acquiring passive income. The course shows students exactly how to find clients and subcontract out other Mobile Notaries. Here is what you will learn: -Strategies to get companies to pay you $175.00 - $250.00 per appointment and -Detailed Subcontractor Services: Notary Signing Agents $100 -$125 per assignment You can obtain all of these benefits for the discounted price of $95.04. Sale ends 11-23-16 at 11:59 PM EST The Dr Boyce Watkins Channel is an all-black news and commentary channel that features a number of African American thinkers, commentators and speakers. The views of each video are not necessarily representative of those of Dr Boyce Watkins himself. You can follow Dr Watkins at the links below: Instagram: @TheRealBoyceWatkins Twitter: @DrBoyceWatkins1 Via Text: Text the word Boyce to 31996 Youtube: Youtube.com/DrBoyceWatkins To learn how to start your own business: TheBlackBusinessSchool.com Personal website: BoyceWatkins.com The Dr Boyce Watkins Wealth-building program for children: BlackMillionairesOfTomorrow.com To take my online course: TheBlackWealthBootcamp.com The Dr Boyce Watkins podcast on Soundcloud: The Dr Boyce Watkins Black Economic Empowerment Tour: TheDrboyceWatkinsTour.com
Can it be done in ny the attorney state
Is this training still active? I have questions how do I go about speaking to someone?
Looking for step by step guide to starting your own Closing Service (loan signing service company)
do you have suggestions on how to get more title work as a signing agency company thanks for your response
Hi do you need specific software to start your agency?
What state are you located? Are you still in the business?
This guy is also a realtor in my county he knows his shit he knows what he's talking about come in niggas
Thanks for this information; I am a notary with my current company. Never thought of doing this as a business. Thank you.
I think some people are suspicious of this model because it is similar to MLM where you make money by recruiting other associates into the business and you make a percentage from there sales. The MLM model really has a bad reputation as being a scam, and what he is explaining sounds similar to that in a way. So people that are uneducated about this industry automatically think "red flag." Do your research. I have located several books on the notary signing agent business and have read a few plus there are other people explaining the notary signing agent business on videos online. I have found consistency throughout all other sources. So, give the brother a break. He is just promoting and building his online training because i'm sure he doesn't want to just sign documents forever,
I too thought why would lender's pay a Notary between $100 and $200 per loan signing when their own bank employees are notaries and are paid a low hourly rate of pay…. There is a difference between being just a Notary and being a Notary Loan Signing Agent.
Lenders use outside Notary signing agents who have specialty training on understanding loan documents and so that if something goes wrong in the signing the bank won't get sued. The Loan Signing agent will. Not to worry though because notary loan signing agents purchase inexpensive errors and omission insurance to protect you just in case.
This gentleman is correct. As a Notary loan signing agent you can make $100,000 or more per year without a college degree, without paying thousands and thousands of dollars to a school.
First you get a notary license. Next you take online classes for Loan Signing Agent and then take the national Notary loan signing test.
This is not a scam. I have recently become a notary loan signing agent and have met several others in my state who make over $100,000 per year.
Hi Dr. Boyce, I was trying to contact this guy for services [not as a business] and he have NO PHONE NUMBER on his websites.. Is there a way to contact him for services? I've found a few websites for entrepreneur opportunities only…
To make good money as a notary you must become a signing agent. This is where you walk the buyer through the loan papers and make sure they sign in the correct places, then you make 3 copies one for the lender, one for the escrow company and one for the title company. Banks can't use an employee who happens to be a notary because the notary must not profit from the transaction. It would be a conflict of interest so the lenders must bring in an outside notary. Yes banks have a notary to sign wills or powers of attorney documents but the money is in being a loan signing agent. This is a terrible video though.
Is there a lead list for getting clients for your Mobile Notary business? Where can I find out about lead list, I just became a Notary and getting ready to start Real Estate School this month, ready to terminate my job in Customer Service real soon!
All of you who are making these scam claims have no idea what you are taliking about. Mobile notary's do not have a limit on what they charge. Every state has different requirements on qualification requirements for a notary. DO YOUR RESEARCH before you bash people. My only comments on Mr. Boyce's video would be further clarification that you can't be notarized in more than one state. (Unless the state has reciprocity. Which most don't) And in some states you are required to test.
70s hustle bro I Been around
find clients first and contractors then by program that's what I would do
This man is telling yall about a potential business.If a black man say it..it must be a scam right… watch this white man say the same thing…and Yall will believe him….check out how to become a notary signing agent Mark Wills #BlackManBusiness
Not all states operate in such a way that money, a substantial amount of money, can be made, most notaries operate through companies. The majority of states put a cap on how much private notaries can charge and in the majority of cases it is not very much. Check state rules on notaries before jumping into this person's business plan.
LOL, they scamming, the entire boyce network has turned into a bunch of black-power infomercials, especially boyce with his 15-minute plug intros.
Why would a company pay that much for a notary charge when someone from their office can become a notary for 50 bucks. Its a no brainer application, pay fee, get sworn in, done.
Most title companies will have a notary in their office or if closing at legal office there will be a notary available. Most mobile notaries charge around $20 – $50 and that is only if a person does not decide to choose their bank as a notary option. Title companies may charge a high price for notary service but that is just on paper and the person usually doing it may see about $35 of that fee.
Can I do this in DC? Peace love and light family
The bank I work for offers notaries free of charge. This is why black businesses cannot grow because the few good ones are mixed in with all these scams.
are you another so called guru slinging another money making opportunity? profiting on the impulses of poor black folks…