Mobile Finger Printing Business In this video, I discuss what is take to start a mobile fingerprinting business. You can even add it to your list of service to an existing notary ot loan signing business. A a live scan mobile fingerprinting business ia a service in realttion to running identification and background checks. [START YOUR LLC] [CREATE A BUSINESS BRAND] Use Code: ShaunaSagaji40 for 40% off [💰MONEY MAKING ESSENTIALS] [LIFE INSURANCE] Sign up for Life Insurance in as little as 5 mins Don't ever leave your family in debt. Get yourself some life insurance. [START BUILDING WEALTH] Claim your free stock like Apple, Ford, or Facebook. In order to claim your stock, sign up and join Robinhood. Disclaimer: Some of these links to products are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from purchases made through these links. Hashtags: #StartABusiness #Entrepreneur #ShaunaSagaji #ExtraIncome #MakeMoney #MobileFingerPrinting
How much does it cost to get the fingerprinting software?
Hi Shauna ..I wanted to know what state are u @ You were a huge help !! Thanks
Does the State of Texas require any Live Scan fingerprint training or certification?
Great video with great info!
Please give me the name of the company that charges two thousand. Is the software included? Or is that another 5-8 thousand?
My livescan was almost nine thousand and it took 6 months to get started due to the state regulation.
Do another video on this
Hey Shauna, what the name of the finger printing machine you have or in the picture
hi, im just now seeing this video., I was looking in the description box and I see you have life insurance for people to sign up, do you also sell life insurance on the side as well? I would honestly love to get into both , the notary business and life insurance, right now im studying to get my license but I been seeing videos on this mobile notary business so Im just not sure how to become a notary person
Hi Shauna, is being a Notary Public a requirement to starting/offering a finger printing service business? Thanks for the information? 🙂
Hi. I hope all is well.
Hi Shauna, I haven't watched much youtube lately, thus have not watched you in a while; how are you doing? Are you doing better?…I hope you're doing well (healthwise).
Can we do this in Texas ?
Question. What happened to the adjuster gig? Here in Florida public notary doesn't pay diddly squat cause it's offered for free by the banks
Hi! Do you do shadowing sessions or coaching sessions for local Notary agent?
“You can make that kind of money in that amount of time”…. What kind of money? I haven’t heard about the possibilities.
You are always doing a great job if you make a part 2 what are the specific agency that help process the finger printing?
Thanks Shauna
I appreciate you so much
Gurrrlll!! You are Bad Ass!! I'm so glad I found your channel!! Keep Pressing Sis!!