Wanda Kinser/Inez Carrol is a notary public who worked for JP Morgan chase notarizing documents at their headquarters in Monroe Louisiana. She has refused to provide her evidence of documents she notarized regarding my property, and instead reached out to Chase's legal Department in New York. Of course, they have not reached out to me either. Why is it that these people don't want to share perfectly routine documents? Stay tuned for regular updates.
No updates. This notary is corrupt. I caught her because she accidentally copied me on an email she sent to Chase actually asking her what she should do. She was employed by Chase or Wamu depending on what was convenient and obviously this was a conflict of interest amongst many other illegal acts. Her documents should be discredited. I even filed a complaint against her with her State which is clearly also corrupt which is why Wamu/Chase uses that State. If it's corrupt, it's often coming out of that State OR Utah.
I am also fighting a wrongful foreclosure, I'm trying to verify if a Ronnie Sanders was actually the vice President of JP Morgan Chase Bank who was apparently authorized to sign an assignment recorded in 2006, Wand Inez Kinser was the Notary on that was as well.
Any updates to your fight with this notary? She is the notary on one of my documents and I am fighting a foreclosure against Select Portfolio Servicing.